I have a message from my practice of natural holistic healthcare;
it’s for ‘Mothers who hold everything!’
The message is that your health matters!
Your Health Needs Thyme.
How can I get this message to these absolutely awesome mothers?
I can relate by offering snippets of my experience as a mother who holds everything.
All the mental, emotional, and physical needs of the family, the pets, the entire contents of the home. Human, animal, plant, and non-living matter. How much matter matters? What really matters?
How much do my needs as a Mother matter?
If no-one is holding us, then can we hold ourselves?
And if we don’t care for ourselves as though we matter, what does that look like?
Especially to our children who witness our ways and love us deeply.
I want to reach mums who feel stuck with little sense of choice. I want to support them discovering their own values, allow them to see their worth, and bring awareness to how they show up in the set-up of both their inner and outer environment.
Take a pause, reflect, become aware, make conscious choices, then act. Then Pause to reflect and repeat the cycle. The ever-flowing Action-Reflection Cycle.
Particularly effective in the space of a relaxed nervous system from where choices are made with love and conviction, rather than fear, anxiety, anger or desperation.
I want mothers to be seen for the amazing job of mothing that they do. A job so often unseen and far too undervalued in my opinion. To me it is the most important job in the world; we raise our children to raise our race.
This world is struggling and needs our help. This will come from conscious switched on people, able to connect with love and appreciation.
I’m grateful to have reached a place where I feel at ease in my own skin and more and more empowered and able to nurture my own self-belief. Stand in my truth, regardless of what others are doing or saying.
Because I really do think that our ability to experience freedom and joy in the world comes from nurturing life-giving thoughts, awareness of our guiding emotions, and a recognition that we are all one. One big living breathing organism. Totally interdependent.
So, I’m here working in the field of ‘mattering’. I’m on a quest to raise the experience of Mothers so that they can be well held whilst doing the most important job on Earth; raising conscious kids who have the capacity to make conscious choices for the benefit of our Earth, and all who share it, including themselves.
Relating to self, community and nature with loving care. Modelling this to our children.
And this can only come from a relaxed nervous system and a well-functioning system of hormones. Keeping these systems in balance requires a mindset that is life giving and healthful. That which promotes regeneration and flow, in line with the path of nature.
We are nature and natural rhythms allow us to thrive. Mother Earth knows this. Live in honour and respect of the ebb and flow. Breathe in, Breathe out. Rest, Move. Eat, Digest. Attend to our inner world, and to our outer world.
Mothering Really Matters, and your Health Needs Thyme!
Contact me if you'd like to work out how to do this with herbal medicine and naturopathic health coaching.