In December I conducted a very short survey entitled, ‘Re-energize; fresh vitality and enthusiasm’. It was basically just three questions to find out how many people would like more energy, why they would like more energy, and the impact of not gaining the energy they required. The results were interesting and as follows:
· 59% wanted more energy, 16% didn’t & 24% wasn’t sure
The desired energy was for the following, with some cross-over:
· 38% wanted more productivity
· 26% wanted more ease
· 17% wanted to move forward in life
· 17% wanted more enjoyment
· 14% wanted to be less tired

I’m really interested in this desire to be more productive. Looking at the age brackets, it’s quite likely that about ¾ of those who completed the survey were parents with children still at home. I imagine, being a parent myself, that most of these parents are pretty busy most of the time. Doing things, all of the time. So what’s missing that’s causing this feeling of lack of productivity? Again, being a parent, I can imagine that this may be a recognition that things that are personally important are not getting the desired input due to parental, household and work commitments. We do so much and yet we judge ourselves on what we don’t do, as though we lack competence. Being a parent involves heavy demands on personal resources and can leave very little for anything else. In fact it can be so easy to fall into autopilot, coasting along without a pause to consider our needs and wants, that it’s no wonder we feel a lack productivity; we don’t even notice the mundane uninspiring tasks we complete day after day. Then when we do take time out, often the lure of the easily accessible and well set habits are what we turn to such as screens, alcohol, eating and shopping.
During winter especially it seems easier to follow the same old habits, perhaps those that are depleting, when I could ask myself, what would be more nourishing right now? What is it that would really lift me? Give me a boost? Energise me? Would it be a brisk winter walk? A long soak in a salt bath? Connecting with a friend in person? An inspiring book or podcast? Maybe a cold river dip or theatre trip? When I do give myself the space to consider how I would like to spend my precious moments my conscious choices are that much more rewarding. I feel empowered and energised.
Over the years I’ve been learning to really listen to my body, to understand its many ways of letting me know what I need. Feeling lifted, love, curios, content or joyful shows me that my needs are being met. Awareness of more unpleasant feelings such as tiredness, hunger, pain, fear or frustration tell me I have important unmet needs and direct me to the best course of action, that which keeps me energised or relaxed, content and joyful. Experiencing the full range of emotions is what makes us human and we need the dark with the light, the rest with the activity, the celebration with mourning and the relief from anxiety. I’m wondering how many of us spend a significant amount of time out of balance; lacking rest, ease, joy, support, connection and inspiration.
Summer is the time of abundance; it all happens in the summer and it’s all go! So many obvious ways to meet our needs. Then comes the transition to the colder months, the lack can seem a stark contrast and we can be resistant to the gifts of winter. The gifts of snuggles and rest, slowness and reflection, of letting go to grow and settling down for our much needed annual restoration. I love the winter for that quiet pause, everything laid bare, that connection to the bigger picture. We join the animals and hibernate, conserve energy in readiness for our re-emergence back into the light and abundance of spring and summer. These cycles are so important and often we can get stuck in either action or reflection; perhaps even a state of exhaustive action or analysis paralysis. Action is perceived as masculine state, as is the sun, whilst the state of ‘being’ is feminine, as is winter. We need both to cycle round to be in balance and thrive. Galen knew this in his wellbeing wisdom of motion & rest, sleep & wake, retention and evacuation. Mother Nature also knows this in the gifts of summer and winter.
What part of your life do you love and want to retain and nurture? What old habits do you wish to evacuate and let go of? How could you allow more space and balance into your life? To be more productive regarding the things that matter to you most? And what is it that stops you? I really looking forward to working with each new individual I meet as a health coach, finding unique and creative ways in which to address issues and move forward. Little acts can make a big difference over time and lead to more sustainable balance, especially when in more alignment with our natural rhythms. Easier said than done during the twirling whirling demands of parenthood! Together, though, we can take that much needed pause, reflect and explore before moving forward in conscious choices that actually do give space for what we really want.
I’m keen to find out more about what you want and so have created another short survey that I am hopeful will have as good a response. For your time, I will gift you a 50% off voucher that can be used for up to 6 health coaching sessions or herbal medicine consultations during 2022. This survey will be entirely confidential, so please feel free to leave contact details if you’d like to take advantage of the discount. Thank you for your contribution and I look forward to working with you!
Complete the survey here:
