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Writer's pictureSarah-Jane Cobley

Nature Facilitation

Being in community out in nature really works for me. So a week on the edge of Dartmoor with a group of 20 nature advocates was like finding the honey pot!

I’ve been bringing people together outdoors in nature for as long as I remember. It just feels right. As a child I was free to find my own fun without the constraints of extra-curricular commitments. I spent a lot of my time outdoors with my brother climbing, foraging, paddling in streams, catching little fish in hand, damn building, playing on rope swings, catching grass hoppers, etc…

My longing to want to be out in nature has never gone away. To be outside finding fun in nature is just what I do. It’s what I’ve always done. It’s where I feel most at ease and most myself.

It’s no surprise that my most favourite home-education experiences have all been outdoors! First at an adventure playground, then our annual camp and especially our outdoor learning co-operative PACE, (Playful And Collaborative Education). All are or were recurring events thus building strong community.

Next to nature, community is what I love best. Combine the two and I’m in heaven!

I thrive within nature, within community and with a nice balance of lightness and depth; playfulness and insight.

Nature facilitation is all about connecting to ourselves, to others and to nature. Nature is the container. The vessel that holds us as we sink deeper into ourselves. To align more freely to our own true nature.

Again and again, the power of community astounds me. And what I mean here is a heart-centred way of relating that quickly builds up a sense of trust and safety. Within which authentic self-expression is very much enjoyed and highly valued.

Skilled facilitation is able to hold a space where magic can happen. It is a ‘power-with’ dynamic that is incredibly empowering and enables each one of us to step into our power and share our unique gifts and perspectives. Meet our growth edges with courage and acceptance of imperfection.

To me holding nature at the heart of a community makes sense, not just in my heart, but in my belly and my brain. My whole being experiences the abundant gifts of nature every time I immerse myself in it. Whether alone or in community, I feel held.

I love how nature holds all the answers for me. I have spent a significant portion of my life squirrelling, running here and there, finding acorns of wisdom from inspiring mentors. Like my herbal teachers, and community organising gurus, my health coach lecturers, and home-birth mentor. My highly sensitive persons coaches and all my home-educator peers. My family. My children especially.

However, when I sit in nature, just sit. Observe. Let myself flow in my wonder and awe. I am brought back into myself. I am no longer looking outwards. I am so at peace, so flowing with love and wonderment that decisions come from a place of clarity, ease, strength and knowing.

This sitting, this being, this me time, just me, being held by nature. It stops my squirrelling, even if just for moments, so I can enjoy this oak-like serenity, which deepens my roots and fills my cup.

The magic I experienced this month with the ‘Change in Nature’ team was brought about through the re-creation of the village. Almost from day one we felt at ease to be our authentic selves, welcomed in all our unique perspectives, lives, expression, words and vulnerabilities. Held enough to step just outside of our comfort zone and to surprise ourselves with what we are capable of when having the courage to boldly come forward and share our unique offerings. All received with sincere appreciation.

This week reminded me of how much I long to be in community that nourishes. That honours both celebration and mourning, beginnings and ends, goodbyes and hellos, light and depth, balance and cycles. All demonstrated so beautifully by nature.

In nature we can see all we need to see reflected back to us. The twists and turns of a wise oak, the bounding of and excited young and glistening stream, the collaboration of ants, the flexibility of a birch, the letting go of autumn leaves, the spacious expansive land in winter, or deep providing stability, the dark depths of a vast lake, the excitement of buzzing summer insects, the dawn chorus celebrating the return of the sun…

In a shy new flower I see myself, building in strength and courage to boldly turn towards the light, to flourish and thrive, sharing my true nature with the universe.

The combination of connection to nature, to myself and with others in community has given this to me, and for this I am truly grateful and eager to share the magic with others.

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